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J.Ritchie - Explores shape-changing and weight-shifting mechanisms

(2020)Agents Co-op

(2020)Agents Co-op

G.Ong - Exploring reinforcement learning agents in cooperative tasks

(2019)Surface and Motion Gestures

(2019)Surface and Motion Gestures

Z.Dong - Comparison of Surface and Motion Gestures for Mobile AR

(2019)Spatial Perception

(2019)Spatial Perception

J.Zhang - Investigate varying spatial scale perception in design tasks

(2018)Spatial AR in XR Collaboration

(2018)Spatial AR in XR Collaboration

A.Irlitti - Spatial Augmented Reality in XR for collaboration

(2018)On the Shoulder of the Giant

(2018)On the Shoulder of the Giant

A multi-scale MR collaboration between the Giant and the Miniature

(2017)Superman vs Giant

(2017)Superman vs Giant

Flying telepresence for multi-scale mixed reality remote collaboration

(2017)Pinpointing AR

(2017)Pinpointing AR

M.Kytö - Multimodal selection using head motion and eye gaze

(2017)Mini-Me: An Adaptive Avatar for MR

(2017)Mini-Me: An Adaptive Avatar for MR

Mini-Me - adaptive avatar that redirects gaze and gestures for MR



CoVAR - Collaborative Virtual and Augmented Reality system

(2016)Natural Eye-gaze-based Interaction

(2016)Natural Eye-gaze-based Interaction

Novel eye-gaze-based interaction techniques

(2016)Shared Physiological Cues

(2016)Shared Physiological Cues

A.Dey - Sharing physiological cues in collaborative VR

(2016)Empathic Mixed Reality

(2016)Empathic Mixed Reality

Exploring MR technology for Empathic Computing experiences



K.Higuchi - VR collaboration with multimodal communication



G-SIAR - AR hand interaction and gesture-speech interaction

(2012)KITE-Mobile AR

(2012)KITE-Mobile AR

KITE - spatial mapping using magnetic tracking and depth sensing

(2012)Gestures Library

(2012)Gestures Library

Hand tracking and gestures library for real-time natural hand interaction

(2012)User-defined Gestures for AR

(2012)User-defined Gestures for AR

800 elicited gestures for the creation of user-defined gestures for AR

(2011)Physically-based Interaction in AR

(2011)Physically-based Interaction in AR

Leveraging physics engine for tabletop AR

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